
Onze producten, publicaties, presentaties, etc.


  1. Accessibility and feasibility of experience sampling methods for mental health research with people with intellectual disability: Scoping of research and stakeholder views. Lianne Bakkum, Célinde Paalman, Annelieke Müller, Agnies van Eeghen, Carlo Schuengel. In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabillities (04-01-2024).
  2. The development and validation of the S-scan-parental self-management support (S-scan - PS): A self-reflection tool for child healthcare professionals. Wong Chung, R., Willemen, A., Bakker, A., Maaskant, J., Voorman, J., Becher, J., Schuengel, C., & Alsem, M. (2024). In: Child: Care, Health and Development, 50(1), e13223.
  3. Understanding Burnout among Parents of Children with Complex Care Needs: A Scoping Review Followed by a Stakeholder Consultation. Patty, N.J.S., van Meeteren, K.M., Willemen, A.M. et al. (2024) In: J Child Fam Stud.
  4. Navigating the outcome maze: a scoping review of outcomes and instruments in clinical trials in genetic neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilityAnnelieke R. Müller, Nadia Y. van Silfhout, Bibiche den Hollander, Dick H. C. Kampman, Lianne Bakkum, Marion M. M. G. Brands, Lotte Haverman, Caroline B. Terwee, Carlo Schuengel, Joost Daams, David Hessl, Frits A. Wijburg, Erik Boot, and Agnies M. van Eeghen In: Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease (25-04-2024).
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